Ordering online on Color Blast website is just easy. Please do follow below steps:
Step 1
Color Blast required all customers to sign up for an account before making a purchase. Register for a free account here.
Step 2
Browse product on our website. Click on Individual Collections to browse by category.
Step 3
Choose a product you wish to buy, quantity to order and click button Add to Cart.
Step 4
You will be redirect to a cart page. Click Proceed to Checkout to make a payment.
Step 5
Fill up all the required forms. You will be given 3 options for shipping methods which are Weight Based Shipping by Pos Laju, In-Store Pickup (closed on Tuesday) and delivery by Lalamove/Bungkusit (arranged by customer, closed on Tuesday). Currently we accept only 1 type of payment, which is Online Banking via Bayarcash (all Malaysia online banks through FPX).
Click on button Place Order to finish the order.
Step 6
You will be emailed an online invoice and tracking number by Color Blast.